Courageous communication with sustainable effects: MuthKomm, PR agency in Hamburg
As a full-service PR agency based in Hamburg, we have successfully placed companies, brands and products in the media for over 10 years. We put special emphasis on sustainability – in two ways. On the one hand, we work for companies with forward-looking solutions, organisations with a social mission, products with natural ingredients and durable goods. On the other hand, we focus on communication with long-term impact. This is our attitude: We work with firm conviction and only offer services that we really stand behind. With this philosophy, we develop ideas together that communicate interests and messages in a sustainable way. Ideas that are heard and seen. Ideas that create attention, change or support opinions and promote sales. Our main areas of focus: Lifestyle, food, beverages and B2B.
Partnerships for sustainable success
We specifically work with clients who share our values. Those who look ahead, are aware of their responsibility and are always seeking new ways to contribute to a sustainable future. Who stand behind their work with conviction as experts in their field, but who also appreciate it when we scrutinize. We are also pleased when our clients constructively examine our proposals – because together we find the best, courageous ways for sustainable business and sustainable communication.
Die PR-Agentur, die vorausdenkt: Für Nachhaltigkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit
Our experience has shown that only a communication strategy that is planned for the future and geared to success leads to long-term results. It is the basis for good communication, and our strength. The implementation of its recommended measures is just as important: that’s why we see every task as a test of our standard to achieve the most sustainable and effective results – and every one of our services as a test for the quality of our PR agency.

Moving forward together
Do we fit together? Let’s get to know each other and find out. The best way is a personal meeting – for example at our agency in Hamburg

Anna Muth
040 3070 70703
Your person of contact for:
• Tech & Services
• Associations & Foundations
• Health & Beauty

Jochen Muth
040 3070 70707
Your person of contact for:
• Beverages
• Food & Lifestyle
• Packaging
Hopfenburg • Hopfensack 19 • 20457 Hamburg • +49 (0) 40 3070 7070 0 • info@muthkomm.de
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